Operators of C programming Language

What is Operator?

An operator in programming is a symbol that tells the computer to perform a specific mathematical, relational, or logical operation and produce a final result.

What is operand?

An operand in programming is used to describe any object that can being manipulated. Typically, operands are the data on which operators such as addition or subtraction perform their actions. They can be constants, variables, or expressions, representing values in calculations or other operations.

There are some operators in C programming language.

Binary Operators

Unary Operators

Thernory Operators

Arithmetic operators

Increment, decrement operators

Conditional Operator

Logical Operators

Type cast operator


Relational Operators

Sizeof operator


Bitwise Operators



Assignment Operators



Comma operators



Arithmetic Operators;




Adds A with B


Subtracts B from A


Multiplies A by B


Divides A by B


Gives the remainder of I divided by J


Logical Operators;



A && B

If one value is 0 the answer is 0


If one value is 1 the answer is 1


If the value is 0 answer is 1 either value is 1 answer is  0

Relational Operators;



A < B

The value of A is less than value of  B

A <= B

The value of A is less than or equal to value of  B

A > B

The value of A is greater than value of B

A >= B

The value of A is greater than or equal to value of B

A == B

The value of A is equal to value of B

A != B

The value of A is not equal to value of B

Bitwise Operators;



A & B

Bitwise form of A AND B

A | B

Bitwise form of A OR B

A ^ B

Bitwise form of A XOR B

~ A  

Bitwise complement of A

A << n

Shifts A to the left n bits

A >> n

Shift A to the right n bits

Eg: A=70 and B = 20

A= 0100 0110
B= 0001 0100

1.  A&B = 0000 0100
2.  A| B = 0101 0110
3.  A ^ B = 0101 0010
4.  ~A = 1011 1001
5.  A<< 2 =  0001 0001 1000 = 280
6.  A >> 2 = 0001 0001 = 17

Increment and Decrement Operators;




increments A and then uses its value as the value of the expression


uses A as the value of the expression and then increments A

-- A

Decrements A and then uses its value as the value of the expression


Uses A as the value of the expression and then decrement A

Assignment Operators;





X = Y

Assign Y value to X


X =+ Y

X = X + Y


X - = Y

X = X - Y


X *= Y

X = X* Y


X /= Y

X = X /  Y


X %= Y

X = X % Y

Size of Operators;

sizeof(type) : it returns the number of bytes needed to contain a value of the specified type.
Eg: sizeof A : has as its value the number of bytes required to hold the result of the evaluation of A.

Comma Operator;

The comma operator is used to link the related expressions together.
A comma operator linked expression is evaluated from left to right and the value of the right most expression is the value of the combined expression.
Eg: x = (a=2,b=4,a+b)  

Arithmetic Operator;

Arithmetic expression in c is a combination of variables, constants and operators written in a proper syntax.
Eg:  1>2+3&&4

Operator precedence and Associativity;

When an expression contains multiple operators, the precedence of the operators controls the order in which the individual operators are evaluated.

A higher precedence operator is evaluated before a lower precedence operator.

(3> 4 + 5 && 5)
This expression is equivalent to:
((3 > (4 + 5)) && 5)
(4 + 5) executes first resulting into 9 then, first part of the expression (3 > 9) executes resulting into 0 (false) then, (0 && 5) executes resulting into 0 (false).

These are the basic operators in C programming. I hope you understand that  what can perform in operators in C programming.

In next lesson we will discuss operators with some practical.

-Team CodeQuasar-

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