Let's Learn how we start a programming.


Programming is not coding and run the program. There are some steps we need to follow before coding. That's steps we called Programming Development Cycle.
Let's discuss about programming development cycle. 

01. Review the specification

We define the problem statement, and we decide the boundaries of the problem.
When review specification,
-what is required?
-sufficient instruction to carry it out?
-have the necessary input available to generate the desire output?

02. Informal Design

During this phase, Designers, developers and other stake holders engage in creative discussions and brainstorming sessions.
The sketch out high-level concepts, user interfaces and architectural ideas.
It's a more flexible and open-ended phase, focusing on exploring and conceptualizing the design without diving into intricate technical details.

03. Formal design

Following the informal design phase, the process moves into the formal design phase.
In this stage, the high-level concepts and ideas generated in the informal design phase are refined and documented more thoroughly.
Detailed designed documents, diagrams and specification are created.
The formal design is more structured and defines the software's architecture, components and interactions in a more precise manner.
This is a communication tool for program designers and coders.

4. Code and Compile

Coding the program is simply translating each design statement into the proper syntax for the decide programming language.
In this phase, we construct actual program.
That means we write the program to solve the given problem using programming languages like C, C++, Java etc.

5. Test

During this phase, we check whether the code written in previous step is solving the specified problem or not.
That mean we test the program whether it's solving the problem for various input data values or not.
We also test that whether it is providing the desired output or not.

6. Maintenance

During this phase, the program is actively used by the user.
If any enhancements found in this phase, all the phases are to be repeated again to make the enhancements.
That means, the solutions(program) are used by the end user.
If the user encounters any problem or wants any enhancement, then we need to repeat all the phases from the starting, so that the encountered problem is solved, or enhancement is added.

-Team CodeQuasar-

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