Before the starting C programming we need a IDE to do it. Like Quicy2005, Codeblocks are related to coding C. among them I will continue the lessons with Quincy2005.
Before it we need to download it and install to our computer.
Quincy download link You can download and install the software from this link.
I hope you downloaded and installed the quincy2005 to your computer. Let's start the lesson.
How to Open the file?
1.Open the quincy2005.
2.There is a blank paper icon in top left corner and click it or you can use ctrl key + N key.
3.Then click the c source file and ok
How to save the file?
1.In top left corner there is a tab named "file" click on it.
2.There is a save option in that tab and click it.
3.Choose your file location and save the file like "My_document / MyDocument"
4.Then click ok
That's it for open and save the file. Now you can try as your self in your computer by following above steps.
Let's move to code something...
1.First you should do open and save the file.
2.Now, you can type below code in your blank paper.
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
printf("Programming is Fun\n");
return 0;
Now I will explain the above statements step by step.
#include<stdio.h> -This is the c programming head tag that called "Standard Input Output Header file" tag.It contains the information about the printf output routine that is used later in the program.
int main() - Informs the system that the name of the program is main, and that it returns an integer value, which is abbreviated “int.”
Main is a special name that indicates precisely where the program is to begin execution
{ } - This shows the boundary of program.
prinf() - This is the print function that we need to Display. According to the above statements "Programming is fun" is the output we need to display.
\n - You can use this to after the expression.When you use it you can display any expression in a new line.
return 0 - says to finish execution of main, and return to the system a status value of 0.You can use any integer here not only 0.
" ; "- This is the most important expression you need to put after any statement after you code.If not you use it the program will show a error.
3.After the code that statement the you can run the program. Before you run the program you need to build it. To build in the tab line there is a icon of hammer you can click it.
4.If there not any error you can see message "successful build"
5.Then you can run the program. To run the program you can press F9 key in your keyboard or "Run" icon in quincy2005 main window.
That's the way to open save and run the program. I think now you can understand how to do it.
/* */ - You can use this symbols to add a comment in your C program.
Is there any question please comment in comment Section.